Monday, February 28, 2011

Life in a Box

So, here's what has been on my mind lately: I'm so glad I don't live in a box! No, this is not a post about homelessness (there may be a post or two about that in the future, but not today). I'm thinking more about a different plight that is infesting our society today.

It seems there are so many people today who, despite the fact that our world SHOULD be more "known" than ever before thanks to technology, are completely oblivious to things going on in the world around them. These are those people who believe everything they've always been taught without ever questioning or challenging a single thing. They live in their little bubbles and have only really ever experienced their own culture. By culture, I am referring less to American culture, but the various sub-cultures that make up America. These sub-cultures include rural, urban, suburban, church culture, racial cultures, and a wide variety of other sub-cultures than can be very, very different from one another.

The thing is, it's easier to live in a box! It's easier to never question... then there's no conflict. It's easier to never step outside of you comfort zone... then you never have to learn anything new or learn how to communicate in new ways. It's easier to never challenge even the religious teachings you've always believed... then you won't ever have to think and wrestle with theology. It's easier for things to just be "the way they've always been"... then you won't ever have to do the hard work involved in change.

So, the question I pose is this: Does God call us to live in a box?